MASTER COLLECTION POWERa mono and stereo power amplifiers complement the existing LINEa and LINEb line preamplifiers not just better than any other mono or stereo amplifier we are aware of, but also elevate their own performance to heights beyond imagination.
MASTER COLLECTION POWERa mono and stereo power amplifiers complement the existing LINEa and LINEb line preamplifiers not just better than any other mono or stereo amplifier we are aware of, but also elevate their own performance to heights beyond imagination.
The new LINEb joins its sibling LINEa two-chassis preamplifier. The LINEb has been engineered with meticulous care and craftsmanship in order to reflect the company’s statement products.
We proudly present the first product from our new 30th Anniversary – Master Collection range – a state of the art line preamplifier with an outboard power supply unit.